First of all, I would like to say thanks to all of you for stopping by to take time out to read my blog. I never expected to see so many page views and comments this week. You'll never know how much I appreciate having you here and in return how appreciated your time here has made me feel.
Three months ago when I restarted this blog, my only intention was to pour my heart out onto these digital pages for self satisfaction. I never realized how big this would become (so far). In January, I was so overwhelmed with creativity and words that I literally felt the need to get these stories out of me or I would have bursted from the pressure. I've spent countless hours staying up until 4 AM pouring my heart out for no other reason than to blog. Words were flowing out of me like projectile vomit. Instead of making a mess of it by keeping it bottled in or tucked away in some diary that no one will ever read, I made it a beautiful work of art by sharing it with you all.
Second of all, how in the world did you find The Indiscriminate Chronicles of a Girl Named Krissy? I'm still the new kid on the block slowly trying to get my name out there. 134 page views in one day is a lot for me especially considering how I would barley break 20 a day. Now I have people stopping by all willy nilly leaving comments or what have you, making me feel good and stuff.
Finally, I've received an abundance of joy when I saw I had comments, the numbers in my reaction boxes going up, more page views in all my posts, and most importantly, new followers! Woo hoo! Don't stop what you're doing. Keep leaving your mark, people.
Even if no one leaves a comment or check the reaction boxes, I know you're all out there. But I'd prefer if you left your mark by leaving a comment and check the reaction boxes :)
Nonetheless, thanks!
Come back soon, ya hear?!
Randomly! Love the next blog button! Actually, this is the only blog I've ever found randomly and have actually liked, so you're lucky. Love you!
ReplyDeleteWow! That is lucky, huh?
ReplyDeleteSo why don't you uh..go right a head and Follow? I'd love you forever :)