Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Body Loves Me!

Drawing by Shikaru1415

Not too many days ago my body was in agony over my workout regiment.

I'd hit the treadmill for 30 minutes in the early afternoon and sprint five times for at least a minute or until my insides started to burn. After my half hour was up I'd lift free weights and end with 50 sit ups. Before I got ready for bed, I'd do the same workout only adding an extra half hour to the treadmill. Easy right? Well, I thought so but my thighs kept whining, so I decided to fall back for two days allowing my body to recover.

I got on the scale yesterday. I dropped another three pounds. So that's six pounds of girth lost in one week plus three pounds of muscle. I kick ass!

I only have eight days until my 10 day vacation. Not to mention the bowl of macaroni and cheese, two slices of three meat pizza, and a bunch of cookies 'n cream ice cream I had yesterday. Oh My!

But everything will be ok because my body loves me.


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